Saturday, March 14, 2009

get jigging with the wildeyes in iowa

fishing is suppose to be a very relaxing pastime. this is untrue in two ways. if you're out by the waters for 8 hours and still haven't caught a fish or if you're out there fishing with uncle goey, or joe as the iowans refer to him as. fishing is not just a pastime to the locals in iowa city. fishing is a sport and it is a hunt for the biggest game in the water. there are carps, buffalos, northern lights, and the infamous walleyes. the only fish you want are the walleyes and the more you catch them, the closer you are to becoming a legend around the bend. our uncle goey is that man. he literally puts food on the table for his family. this man patiently waits and hunts for his fishes for hours and leaves only because he's reached the daily limit. walleyes are the hardest fish to catch and are very seldom caught even by veteran fishermen. the term jigging is a technique used solely to catch predatorily fishes like the walleye and northern light. there are 2 major rules when fishing in iowa city. there is a limit of 5 fishes caught per day and snagging is prohibited (snagging is when a fish is caught not by the mouth). i never thought this road trip to iowa was actually ever going to happen. generally when we plan on an event, it's usually all mouth and no action. squeezing five people and three dogs into one car definitely contributed to the smooth and memorable four hour car ride from schaumburg to iowa city. when we arrived, the city welcomed us with ....nothing. to someone who is use to seeing tall buildings and busy traffic, iowa seems underdeveloped in comparison to cities like chicago and l.a. but nonetheless, there are reasons why people love iowa and if it is good enough for them then i will respect that. it has been almost 5 years since i've revisited aunt bay and uncle goey's home. not much has changed except for a few new colors on the walls and that the kids have gotten taller.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

happy birthday grandpa and winston!

happy sunday and a big happy birthday to winston (age 9) and gramps (big 80)! our usual family get together always takes place in chinatown. many of our family members live out of state and the family members who live in state are usually on a tight schedule. so a family reunion is a rarity and only happens a few times a year.

the front entrance of chinatown in chicago

chinatown sure isn't shanghai or hong kong but this is as close as it gets in the states

albert, isaac, winston, aunt bay

aunt lin, mom, gramps, uncle tom, family friend, family friend, aunt mei

two sisters aka two beasts

uncle goey still thinks hes 18

isaac says a prayer for the family

a fine and greasy feast, absolute canton style

winston n gramps blowing out the bday candles together

winston making the first slice

a shot of the author

alvin's black n white shot

the author n cousin isaac

aunt bay, randy, myself, isaac in a candid shot by vinnie